Hi all,
Sorry I haven’t been very good with my blogs lately. In fact they have been none existent due to a really busy period running all over the country and trying to restock for the big show of the year.
I have spent the last two weekends, one in Harrogate giving a talk to the LOVELY ladies of Yorkshire and visiting the shops where YES they have a Lakeland and last weekend I was in North Wales giving a workshop to the keen ladies of Wales.
All of this week has been work work work to re-kit the stand which is going well and hopefully will leave me with time to finish some new pieces of work for my display.
This weekend is looking like trouble as Julia my eldest is moving out and into her first house so everyone will be needed to help her and I doubt I will get any of my stuff achieved. Mind you next week will then be quieter so I will get things done double fast hopefully. Failing that I can always get distracted by Fudge the puppy who has settled in very nicely and he and Archie the older dog are now firm friends and mischief makers.