Fairy houses and wonky houses weekend in Cloughton, Scarborough

Well I just thought I would share with you the wonderful weekend I just spent teaching the East Yorkshire Embroidery Society group who met at CloberHill , Cloughton, Scarborough.

Although I had a very unpleasant journey from Bedford to Scarborough, once I got there the conference hotel , amazing staff and ladies on the weekend retreat where amazing.

Not my normal technique based workshop but my oh my we had some amazing results mixed with great food, excellent company, fantastic facilities and wonderful sea views.

The ladies of EYES worked so hard to complete their Womky Houses and Fairy houses with great results, jolly companionship and a keenness to get to grips with their sewing machines. We had such fun freeing ourselves up and letting go with basic machine skills. I think everyone found their inner child and enjoyed the feeling of all is okay and if we do something concidered wrong that we can Fidery fiddle and adapt skills to get what is in our minds eye.

I love teaching these workshops as they are not what I normally do or are known for, but allow me to let the inner child out and respond to nieve and whimsical expressions that I don’t normally allow. Those who know my work will know that I generally deal with organza, layering , water soluble, reverse Applique and finally the use of a soldering iron to create see through organza lacy panels full of colour that let the light shine through them and make them translucent in appearance.

In order to run a successful business I find that you have to adapt to groups and guilds requirements where I teach a wide variety of workshops to  keep me out there and actively allows for experimentation in other areas of my work.

I love to interact with groups and give them what they require to run successful retreats and workshops that help their groups grow and establish  strong roots to push forward in all avenues of textile crafts and embroidery skills. .

I have no problem tailor making workshops to individual groups needs and find this a rewarding challenge to meet groups needs, embrassing the challenges they set for me.

All in all I love a good challenge to meet a groups needs and have thourougly  enjoyed this groups criteria and hope that they go on to extend their inner child as they create Fairy houses and Wonky Houses.